Hello and stuff

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So I'm tentatively moving this new blog into the position now vacated by my old, stripy one. Usual caveat: this isn't to say that I in any way think that this is finished; it manifestly isn't, and there's lots of work to be done on pretty much every area of the site.

But, seeing as its primary point is to encourage me to write, in a public but non-work capacity, it seemed self-defeating to keep playing around with it to no real purpose. If you are reading this, which right now is unlikely, then do let me know what you think.

Some background: I'm a journalist living in Bristol who's been 'blogging', whatever that means, on and off for about ten years. (Mostly off.) I work in magazines, but that distinction is largely irrelevant: my jobs have also involved a lot of online writing, some coding, lending my voice to podcasts and a diverse range of other things. I'm about to start work as Section Editor of BBC History Magazine, and I've also been fortunate enough to work on a number of other publications. (Obligatory note: none of the opinions that I express in this or any other article on this site in any way reflect those of my fragrant and stylishly dressed employers, obviously.)

As for idea of this site: as I say, it's mostly a chance for me to write in a non-formal way, about the things that I've doing and the things that I enjoy. So, at the moment, that's likely to be catching up on Breaking Bad, a lot, watching Jurassic Park at the zoo and disliking having to buy a new phone. But there'll be other things, too, over the coming weeks: the main things that this blog will focus on will be TV, magazines and music, but I might wander off in a particular direction if it catches my eye.

That's quite enough for now, though. If you have comments, let me know at matt@mattelton.com. I'll be working some more on the site and hopefully have some more new things tomorrow...

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