Matt is online

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It's now February. That means that I haven't written something not related to work for about six months.

That's not true, of course. I write nonsense on Facebook and Twitter all the time. I put more energy into writing ridiculous emails than is necessary. I've just joined Instagram which yes yes I know isn't exactly words, but it's an outlet for pointless creativity and its non-text-based nature means that it's something I enjoy to a surprising degree. Just the other day, for instance, I took a picture of a bush shaped like Hello Kitty and uploaded it to the internet, and if that's not what the 21st century is all about then I don't know what is. (Oh, increasing levels of economic and environmental degradation inevitably leading to social decline? Right.)

Currently, though, I am blogging. I am also listening to a record of a man play plinky-plonky piano, doing some laundry, and wondering how half a shop dummy's arm ended up on our stairs. I am blogging, though, which I think is a fact that is related to Instagram: taking a photo and uploading it is sufficiently easy that it's something I'm trying to do every day. (I find that easier, mentally, than Twitter, which again is something I think that's related to the novelty of it being picture-based.) But then, I was thinking, if I can upload a picture every day, why can I not write something long-form every day? (Yes, what I am saying is that Instagram is essentially a gateway drug.)

Anyway, it'll be good for me. Like the healthy diet and exercise regime that I'm pretending I've adopted for this, the new year. Except it's not even that new any more.

What else have you missed in the interim, dear hypothetical reader? I went for a walk yesterday, bought a book by George Orwell. One of those things that I should have read before now but haven't. I've just started watching Fringe; so far it's a bit too procedural for me but apparently it gets good later so I'm happy to stick with it. My laundry has just finished so I should probably go and get that out.

Yeah, this has been good. Let's see whether the next date stamp is six months in the future, or whether this is something that I actually stick at this time around.

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